04 December 2020

Wébinaire Francesco Borra

Francesco Borra est diplômé en physique de l'Université de Milan et il est actuellement dans sa dernière année de doctorat à l'Université Sapienza de Rome, sous la direction du Prof. Vulpiani et du Dr Cencini. Il travaille sur les applications de l'apprentissage automatique aux systèmes dynamiques et biophysiques, avec un accent sur la connexion entre ces techniques et l'investigation théorique. Plus précisément, il se concentre sur les systèmes chaotiques multi-échelles et la dynamique multi-agents.
Application of reinforcement learning to prey-predator interactions in hydrodynamical environment

Quantitative understanding of behaviour of living organisms is a key topic in biophysical and active matter literature. In particular, interest has arisen around interacting micro-swimmers, which is an umbrella term for small aquatic organisms, from bacteria to small animals. Recent advances in reinforcement learning, a form of machine learning, allow for more than descriptive analysis and open the possibility of probing how certain behaviour can emerge as optimal strategies of self-interested agents. In this work, we focus on prey-predator interactions in low-Reynolds hydrodynamics. We assume agents can only receive information via hydrodynamical sensing and play a zero-sum game: while the predator purpose is to catch the prey, the prey has to avoid encounters. Since both agents have to rely on incomplete information, trivial strategies are not available in principle. We apply a machine learning algorithm in order to be able to get insight both in the strategies and how hydrodynamical information is relevant.

04 December 2020, 17h0018h00
Séminaire en visio-conférence (contacter F. Romano pour le lien)