02 June 2022

Wébinaire Melanie Voges

Melanie Voges a obtenu son doctorat en 2011 dans le domaine de la recherche sur l'adaptation et l'application de la PIV aux composants des turbomachines. De 2002 à 2004, elle a été ingénieur d'essai chez EADS Astrium Space Transportation, en Allemagne, responsable des essais d'acceptation de l'ATV Jule Verne (système de propulsion). Depuis 2005, elle est chargée de recherche au DLR et depuis 2018, chef du groupe "Techniques de mesure des champs d'écoulement" au DLR Institute of Propulsion Technology, Dept. Engine Measurement. Ses recherches portent sur les diagnostics d'écoulement basés sur des techniques laser pour des applications de turbomachines. Elle a reçu le prix scientifique du DLR en 2013. Melanie Voges received her PhD in 2011 in the research field of PIV adaptation and application in turbomachinery component. From 2002 to 2004 she has been test Engineer at EADS Astrium Space Transportation, Germany responsible for ATV Jule Verne (Propulsion System) Acceptance Testing. Since 2005 she is Research Fellow at DLR and group leader of «Flow Field Measurement Techniques» at DLR Institute of Propulsion Technology, Dept. Engine Measurement, since 2018. Her research focus are on Laser-based flow field diagnostics for turbomachinery applications. She received the DLR Science Award in 2013.
Applications of Laser-Optical Diagnostics in real-size Compressor Component Test Facilities

Abstract: With the considerable progress achieved in the capabilities of laser / optical technology in combination with growing computing resources today the laser- and image-based measurement techniques can be found in a wide variety of applications. In turbomachinery research, laser-optical techniques such as PIV in most cases do complement conventional rig testing and are often used to provide validation data for accompanying numerical simulation methods. Drawing the attention to the full potential of PIV, a number of research projects have been set up specifically addressing the aerodynamic flow analysis based on spatio-temporal resolved experimental data. The presentation will give a summary of latest research activities in a circumferential compressor as well as provide a brief overview of other laser-diagnostic applications in axial fan and compressor rigs.

02 June 2022, 16h3017h30
Batiment M6, LMFL et en visio-conference (contacter J.-P. Laval ou F. Romano pour le lien)