
Find here the latest news from our Laboratory.

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Focus on "Turbulent-Nonturbulent Interface"

The CNRS spotlights the recent paper of J.C. Vassilicos with G. Cafiero (from Surrey University) entitled "Non-equilibrium Scaling of the Turbulent-Nonturbulent Interface Speed in Planar Jets" published in Physical Review Letters.
18 December 2020

LMFL Webinar

The LMFL is launching its weekly seminar/webinar, which will take place on Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. Some speakers will give their presentation from the building Boussinesq (M6) of the LMFL (Campus of Villeneuve d'Ascq) but will be broadcast by the zoom application. The first speaker will be Alexander Smits of Princeton University on Thursday, October 29. The next speakers will be posted periodically on the LMFL website and distributed by email. If you want to receive the ads you can register with Francesco Romano (
23 October 2020

Lille Turbulence Program 2021

The LMFL will hold an annual Lille Turbulence Programme (LTP), the first being LTP2021 which will start on Monday 28 June 2021 and will end on Friday 23 July 2021. The aim of the LTP is to initiate national and international collaborations on turbulence research and make our extensive turbulence data bases widely available. Invited participants will be given access to our data and facilities and will be offered a desk in the LMFL's turbulence building for a duration between 2 and 4 weeks.
19 October 2020

Master Aeronautics & Space: Major Turbulence (2021-2022)

Application for the Master Aeronautics & Space major Turbulence is now open for September 2021. International experts from Lille (J.C. Vassilicos, J.-M. Foucaut, J.-P. Laval, J. Rolland ..) and from Poitiers (P. Jordan, R. Manceau, ..) are strongly involved in the program. This two years master program is a unique opportunity to acquire a strong fluid mechanics background and to apply for a PhD at LMFL and worldwide in a wide range of research domains (aerospace, aeronautics, automotive, chemicals, electricity, oil & gas, renewable energy, transports).
28 September 2020

Welcome to Joran Rolland

The LMFL is pleased to welcome a new member since September 1, 2020: Joran Rolland. Joran obtained a Assistant Professor position at Centrale Lille and is associated to the LMFL.
16 September 2020

Welcome to Christos Vassilicos

Since October 1st, a new member joined the LMFL. Christos Vassilicos obtained a permanent senior researcher position (Director of Research) at CNRS and is affected to the LMFL.
10 October 2019

Welcome to Francesco Romano

Since September 1st 2019, the LMFL will benefit from the expertise of a new permanent member. Francesco Romano just started as Associate Professor at ENSAM-ParisTech, Lille.
15 September 2019
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