Focus on “Turbulent-Nonturbulent Interface”

18 December 2020 par Super Administrateur
The CNRS spotlights the recent paper of J.C. Vassilicos with G. Cafiero (from Surrey University) entitled "Non-equilibrium Scaling of the Turbulent-Nonturbulent Interface Speed in Planar Jets" published in Physical Review Letters.

Link to the CNRS Actualité

G. Cafiero and J. C. Vassilicos, Non-equilibrium Scaling of the Turbulent-Nonturbulent Interface Speed in Planar Jets, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 174501 – Published 19 October 2020 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.174501)

Picture from Sarp ER, LMFL CNRS

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