Optimisation d’une métrologie 4D-PTV pour la caractérisation d’un écoulement turbulent à très petites échelles

PhD Thesis, Centrale Lille

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14 November 2024

Webinaire Elizabeth GUAZELLI

Bodies of revolution in shear flows at low inertia

Elisabeth Guazzelli's research interests are in the field of particulate multiphase flows, such as fluidized beds, suspensions, sedimentation and sediment transport. She has spent her entire career as a CNRS researcher, leading an active and diversified research group at the IUSTI laboratory of the University of Aix-Marseille, and has now moved to the MSC (Matière et Systèmes Complexes) laboratory of the University Paris Cité. She is Rector of the International Center for Mechanical Sciences in Udine (Italy). She has been Associate Editor of the Journal of Fluid Mechanics since 2005 and is currently JFM Rapids Editor. Fellow of the American Physical Society and of the European Mechanics Society (EUROMECH), she is the recipient of the EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Prize in 2016 and the APS Fluid Dynamics Prize in 2023. She was elected an international member of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in 2020 and of the US National Academy of Engineering in 2021.