23 February 2023

Webinaire Stavroula Balabani

Stavroula Balabani (SB) obtained a Chemical Engineering degree from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, Greece) and a PhD from King’s College London where she started her academic career. She joined UCL in 2011 where she leads an experimental fluid mechanics group active in researching into complex flow phenomena, and which invariably involve complex fluids. Stavroula has expertise in flow characterisation and in particular the application of laser based diagnostics to study transport phenomena, both at the macroscale and microscale, and with applications ranging from process engineering to haemodynamics. Her current research interests evolve around energy, healthcare and manufacturing and in particular the study of fluid structure interaction, microscale technologies for energy recovery, diagnostics and drug delivery, cardiovascular and complex suspension flows. She has received funding from EPSRC, EU, Innovate UK and charities and her research has appeared in prestigious fluid mechanics journals. Stavroula is a member of the EPSRC College, a Fellow of IChemE and an Associate Editor for ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy.
Hemodynamics across the scales

Abstract: Vascular flows are important in physiology and implicated in many life-threatening conditions. They span various scales, from the macro- to the microcirculation, each with its own features and challenges, e.g. macrovascular flows involve complex time-dependent, fluid-structure interaction phenomena, whereas microvascular ones are governed by the multiphase nature of blood. Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of death worldwide while diabetes, known to be associated with various microangiopathies, is rising at a high rate. Understanding hemodynamics across the scales, thus, is important to elucidate the onset and progression of such pathologies, aid the development of diagnostics and intervention planning and has the potential to personalise healthcare. The talk will discuss the application of in vivo, in silico, and in vitro tools to understand the hemodynamics of complex vascular pathologies such as aortic dissection and arteriovenous malformations. It will also present our efforts to understand microscale blood flows using microfluidics and in particular the effects of mechanical properties of blood such as RBC aggregation and deformability on microhemodynamics.

23 February 2023, 16h3017h30
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