24 February 2022

Webinar Nicolas Mazellier

Nicolas Mazellier is Professor of Fluid Mechanics at the University of Orléans (France). After he received his PhD from the University of Grenoble (France) in 2005, he was a post-doctoral research fellow from 2006 to 2007 at Imperial College (London, UK) and then from 2007 to 2009 at CORIA (Rouen, France). In 2009, he got an associate professor position the University of Orléans. His research interests encompass the physical modeling and the control of turbulent separated flows and wakes with applications in transport and renewable energy applications. He is the coordinator of the European Project PERSEUS (Grant 887010, CleanSky, H2020) dedicated to the design of effective pulsed jet actuators for controlling turbulent flow separations.
Influence of free-stream turbulence on the aerodynamics of road vehicles

Abstract: Road transport dominates the freight and passenger mobility sector. However, this strategic sector faces considerable challenges to conjugate the increasing need for freedom of movement with sustainable growth. To promote the development of low environmental impact transport, national and international laws set mandatory emission reduction targets for the automotive industry. Over the past decades, large efforts have been invested by the scientific community to investigate and control the complex aerodynamics of simplified road vehicles at the laboratory scale. However, the role of external conditions remains largely unexplored. Indeed, most of the works dedicated to road vehicle were performed in low turbulence background. During this seminar, I will present some recent investigations about the influence of free-stream turbulence on the aerodynamics of road vehicles in wind-tunnel experiments. A particular emphasis will be put on the evolution of the near wake as well as the wall pressure distribution with respect to the operating conditions.

24 February 2022, 16h3017h30
Please contact F. Romano or J.-P. Laval for the link