For this new edition of the Lille Turbulence Program (LTP), 25 researchers are invited to stay up to 4 weeks in Lille to share their works and discuss and/or initiate collaborative projects. The visiting researchers can benefit from the LMFL experimental facilities, in particular its 20m-long wind tunnel, and generate original data. They can also use LMFL’s large database covering various turbulent flows.
The program of the LTP seminar series is available here
The first 4 days will be devoted to a workshop in two parts organized jointly with J. Peinke’s group from Oldenburg. The first two days will be on « Non-equilibrium and/or non-homogeneous turbulence » and the last two days will be on « Satistical physics approaches to the turbulence cascade » which will include presentations on the open-source Matlab package developed by the Oldenburg group and the possibility to analyze turbulence data using it. The presentations at the workshop will be broadcast by videoconference. The workshop is open (with no fee) to external audience with a maximum of 10 on site people and no limit by visio-conference.
To register, please send an email to C. Vassilicos before June 12.
The program of the LTP Workshop is available here
List of LTP attendees (outside LMFL) are: S. Berti (Polytech Lille, FR), J. Brasseur (Univ. Colorado, USA), G. Cafiero (Politecnico Torino, IT), E. Calzavarini (Univ. Lille, FR), P. Costa (Univ. Iceland), L. Danaila (Univ. Rouen, FR), J. Farnsworth (Univ. Colorado, USA), J. Friedrich (Univ. Oldenburg, DE), A. Fuchs (Univ. Oldenburg, DE), Y. Hwang (Imperial College London, UK), H. Larssen (Imperial College London, UK), A. Lozano-Duran (MIT, USA), I. Neunaber (NTNU, Norway), M. Obligado (LEGI, Grenoble, FR), A. Patil (Mines Paris Tech., FR), J. Peinke (Univ. Oldenburg, DE), N. Renard (ONERA, Meudon, FR), S. Sheppard (Univ. Colorado, USA), K. Steiros (Imperial College London, UK), J. Vaquero (ONERA, Meudon, FR), M. Wachter (Univ. Oldenburg, DE), T. Wester (Univ. Oldenburg, DE), R. Zamansky (IMFT, Toulouse, FR).