01 February 2024

Webinar Paolo Errante

Paolo Errante obtained a Ph.D. in fluid Mechanics at the LMFA of the Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2020, the major contribution involved developing an innovative interpolation method, ensuring thermodynamic consistency in multi-phase and multi-species flows. In between these activities Paolo also have explored non-intrustive uncertainty quantification technique to better understand and calibrate lagrangian evaporative sprays. Following he pursued with a two-year post-doctoral position at LMFA, where he focused on studying the challenging DNS of supersonic turbulent channel flow of dense gases. This simulation helped to identifying sub-grid scale terms to be modeled, in the context of dense gases. The data produced are made available to develop AI models for CFD. At the end of this project, Paolo embarked on a one-year post-doctoral venture in Cambridge, where its work was more oriented to combustion modeling. During this period he constructed an algorithm for the Flamelet Generate Manifold modeling approach, implemented in the NEWT code. Nowadays Paolo Errante works at LMFL-L2EP as a research Engineer, mainly focused on coupling Data-Assimilation techniques with numerical models.
Liquid spray injection in a CO2 High Voltage Circuit Breaker

In modern industrial societies, crucial activities like production, transport, and healthcare rely heavily on electric energy. The electric system, comprising transmission, primary distribution, and secondary distribution networks, ensures a balance between production and consumption. Maintaining standard frequencies and voltages is critical to prevent grid failures and their wide-ranging impacts. High Voltage Circuit Breakers (HVCBs) play a key role in ensuring service continuity. However, environmental concerns with sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) in HVCBs prompt exploration of alternatives. This work discusses a spray injection device using carbon dioxide (CO2) to improve interruption.

01 February 2024, 16h3017h30
LMFL, M6 building, Cité Scientifique, Villeneuve d'Ascq (also by zoom)