11 May 2023

Webinar Jorge Peixinho

Jorge Peixinho is a researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in the Laboratory of Processes and Engineering in Mechanics and Materials (Laboratoire Procédés et Ingénierie en Mécanique et Matériaux, PIMM) of Arts et Métiers in Paris. He obtained his doctoral degree at the University of Lorraine and continued his research in Manchester (UK), Tokyo (Japan), New York (USA) and Havre (France). His research work makes use of experimental investigations to better understand dynamical phenomena such as the dynamics of flows, the crystallization of emulsions, the swelling of gels or the stretching of viscoelastic polymers.
Turbulence transition in pipe flow subjected to a wall-jet periodic disturbance

The laminar flow in a straight pipe of circular cross section results in an elegant solution in the form of a parabolic velocity profile. Many physicists and engineers have verified this velocity profile and the associated Hagen–Poiseuille pressure drop law. When the flow rate increases with a low level of disturbance at the pipe inlet, the flow maintains laminar, even at large velocities. However, when disturbances are present or artificially added, a sudden transition to turbulence is observed. In this presentation, we will describe the effect of various disturbances and the emergence of turbulence in pipe flow. Specifically, the effect of a synthetic jet, i.e. periodic injection through a small orifice in the wall will be analysed. The effects of the amplitude and the pulsation of the jet on the amplitude stability curve will be presented and discussed. In a second part of the presentation, we will describe the mechanisms of transition to turbulence in a pipe with an abrupt widening.

11 May 2023, 16h3017h30
LMFL building, Villeneuve d'Ascq and also by viso-conference (please contact J.P. Laval for the link)