25 April 2024

Webinar Johan Meyer

Johan Meyer is a full professor at the department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium. He is an internationally recognized expert in wind-farm aerodynamics and wind-farm atmosphere interactions. He leads a team of 10 researchers (PhDs and postdocs), specializing in numerical simulation, high performance computing, optimization and optimal control of turbulent flows. Johan Meyer acquired an ERC grant on windfarm control in 2012, and has been involved in various EU projects on wind energy since. He has been vice-president (2017-2019) and president (2019-2021) of the European Academy of Wind Energy. He also has been an associate editor of Computers and Fluids, and currently of Wind Energy Science.
Simulation and modelling of wind-farm blockage and wakes

Windfarms interact in complex ways with the atmospheric boundary layer. An important aspect that has gained recent attention is wind-farm blockage, i.e. the slow-down of the flow tens of kilometers upstream of the farm. An extensive database of large-eddy simulations is discussed, parametrizing blockage under different atmospheric conditions, as well as the associated excitation of gravity waves in the capping inversion and free atmosphere above the wind farm. Next to this, the development and validation (against LES) of fast engineering models that parametrize these effects is also presented.

25 April 2024, 16h3017h30
Seminar room, M6 Building, LMFL, Av Paul Langevin, Cité Scientifique Villeneuve d'Ascq (also by visio-conference)