04 December 2023

PhD defence Hui WANG

Splash of High-Speed Drop Impact: Numerical Insights and applications to Oil-Contaminated Pools

The impact of a liquid drop onto a deep liquid pool induces a broad range of physical phenomena, constituting a fascinating and crucial area of study with far-reaching implications across industrial and natural domains. Despite significant advancements in our comprehension, many key aspects of the process remain scarcely explored, particularly concerning the intricate interplay within the most energetic impact conditions. In this thesis, we employ the latest state-of-the-art numerical methods to delve into the intricate dynamics that unfold during drop impact. Through axisymmetric configurations, we systematically characterize a wide array of repeatable early jet behaviors and crater evolution modes, facilitating a comprehensive exploration of how liquid properties progressively shape the impact phenomenon. A thorough analysis of the splashing details within the bubble canopy regime is subsequently conducted through a high-resolution 3D simulation. We further extend our inquiry to the scenario featuring the presence of a floating oil slick on the pool surface, introducing an additional layer of complexity and practical relevance to the post-oil spill conditions.

04 December 2023, 09h3010h30
Salle La Rochefoucault, École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers, 8 Boulevard Louis XIV, 59000, Lille, France