Webinar Eric Lauga

Biology is dominated by transport problems involving fluid flows, from the transport of nutrients and locomotion to flows around plants and the circulatory system of animals. In this talk, I will discuss three instances of flows arising inside living cells. First I will present our work modelling natural cytoplasmic streaming in Drosophila embryo, an elongated multi-nucleated cell that is a classical model system for eukaryotic development and morphogenesis (https://doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2023.0428). I will next discuss our work on artificial cytoplasmic streaming, rationalising recent experiments that generate artificially induced intracellular flows using focused light localised inside individual cells (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.8.034202). Finally, I will present work in progress addressing the controversial issue of natural convection flows inside cells arising from small temperature differences, and their impact on intracellular material transport.