Stage : Est ce que la bi-stabilité d’un sillage implique une bi-stabilité de la turbulence?

Subject: The first aim of this internship is to study statistics characterising wake bistability, e.g. times to flip from one state to another and how the statistics of these times depend on Reynolds number. The  second aim is to investigate whether a similar behaviour can be detected in quantities which characterise the turbulence cascade in the turbulent wake. The turbulent cascade is the mechanism of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation and is therefore essential for  the statistics and evolution of the wake. Large-scale coherent structures control the production of small-scale turbulence and their bistability may require a bistability of the turbulence cascade and dissipation for overall balances between production and dissipation to be possible. Furthrmore, passages between one state to another may be characterised by transient inbalances between production and dissipation. Thestudent will investigate such hypotheses by analysing existing experimental (PIV) and computational (DNS) data from turbulent wakes at different Reynolds numbers.